Saturday, June 5, 2010


When I started on my journey of preparing for my surgery, I began to dream about what my body might look like when I became an “after”. I figured that I would wear about a 14/16, or maybe a 14/16 on top and an 18/20 on the bottom. I felt that it was a perfectly reasonable goal, considering that was my size when I got married in 2002, and then again in 2004 between babies. I always felt good about myself at that size, and I was sure that I would again feel good about myself. So today was a total surprise….
I took my kids to the mall as I had coupons for both The Children’s Place and Lane Bryant. At The Children’s Place, I bought flip flops for each of my girls that they could wear outside on the way to the pool. Then we went to Lane Bryant, where I decided that I’d use my coupon to buy some nice tank tops. I usually avoid showing my upper arms because I usually think they resemble “bat wings”, but with all my working out, I now have muscle definition on the tricep areas. Plus, it is damn hot here in Nebraska, and I’ll be darned if I am going to suffer because I don’t want the world to see that I have fat on my arms. Really, I’m not fooling anyone when my arms a stuffed into a sleeve, and I’m getting to really like the changes that are happening!
So I grabbed a tank in a size 22/24 and went to try it on, then, just for kicks, I grabbed an 18/20. That’s when the miracle occurred. As I stepped into the fitting room, I could feel myself getting excited. What if I could fit into the smaller size? So I tried on the 18/20, AND IT FIT!!!! I literally jumped for joy! Right now, my body is one size above my goal – I am an 18/20 on top, and a 22/24 on the bottom. I am looking not only thinner, but fitter. When I looked at my arms, the muscle definition was the first thing that I noticed, and the bat wings are significantly smaller – and I’ve had this much change from a 42 pound loss!
Now I have a new dream – I want to be a size 12. When I get there, I will reevaluate. Maybe I’ll be a ten, or *gasp*, a size in the single digits? Right now, I feel like the world is open to new possibilities, and I can’t wait to examine each one!

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