Saturday, September 11, 2010

Insomnia, Mania, and Lap-Band Problems (Oh, my!)

So last week, I started having a sort of a “reverse” insomnia-I fell asleep fine, but woke up between 2 and 4 and could not go back to sleep.  (I’m still somewhat having this problem, as it is 6:15 a.m., and I’ve been up since 5). Not getting enough sleep is always a sign for me that trouble, in the form of a mania or depression, is on its way.  Last Thursday, cue the mania.

Now, some people like their mania, it makes them more creative, better able to accomplish things, and at first, I did too.  Hello, super clean house in just 2 hours!  But then the bad stuff starts.  When my husband came home, he looked at me and told me my eyes were all bugged out. (Uh-oh).  Then he saw how clean the house was and asked me how long I worked to get it that clean (double uh-oh).  So I did what I am supposed to do and took my klonipin early and chilled out in front of the tv.  I did this Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Then Monday night, I went to bed, and had more insomnia.  Then the next day, my mind started going a million miles an hour, and try as I might, I could not shut it down.  I tried deep breathing, Yoga, meditation, calling friends and talking their ear’s off (Thanks, Mom and B.G!), taking a bath (and I FIT IN THE TUB!), all while trying to get a hold of my psychiatrist.  He called when I was in the tub, and said he was calling a prescription for an older antipsychotic med into the Walgreens Pharmacy.  I got there, waited a ½ hour, and then they told me they did not have the med and I could get it at the store near the hospital.  Have I mentioned how I do not like to be near the hospital at night?  By the time I got to the store it was 11:00 and the crazies (including me!) were out in full force.  It takes one to know one, I guess. J

Anyway, I went inside, got my med, came home, took it, along with everything else in my nightly “cocktail”, and went to bed.  I slept for 6 hours, but it was the most restful sleep I had in almost a week, and Wednesday morning, I was tired, but okay.  The medicine did not work as well on Wednesday night, but I must have drank 5 cups of coffee to function because of the tiredness.

On Thursday and Friday, I cut back on my coffee – switching to herbal tea, zero calorie vitamin water, and non-caffeinated coffee, and slept well for about 7 hours.  Yes, I am still up ultra early, and I do believe I may still be in a “Hypo-manic” state, as this is the easiest blog entry I’ve ever written, and as soon as the laundry room opens at 7, I will be working diligently to get my old children’s clothes prepared to sell at the consignment show, but I am thinking clearly (even if it is fast).

My last thing to share is my lap-band experience as I have gone through this manic episode.  When I have mania, EVERYTHING goes fast.  This includes my digestive system.  After I took the medicine for the first time on Tuesday, it slowed my digestion way down.  I had some carrots with my fish on Thursday night, and the lap band just would not let them go down, so I ended up VIOLENTLY puking up everything I ate.  On Friday, liquids were the only thing I could keep down, and then I couldn’t even keep down water.  I had no choice; I had to call my surgeon.  He had to deflate my band, and we had to flush through what was blocking the band with water and barium.  This means I have less restriction for the next three weeks at least, although last night I couldn’t even keep down soup.  So know I know (“and knowing is half the battle” - G.I. Joe), that if I have a mania, I need to work with all my doctors so this will not happen again.  *sigh*, I guess this past week really was adventures with mental illness and my lap-band!

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