Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This time of year, gratitude and thankfulness are on the minds of many people.  Since I listened to MK Mueller’s 8 to Great, I have been practicing her suggestion of writing down three things each morning when you get up that you are thankful for.  The only stipulation is that they cannot be repeated.
However, as I complete his exercise every morning (it’s good for the heart), I find that my thoughts during the day stay positive, and if behavior follows thoughts, this means that my behavior patterns are also more towards the positive,  I do a better job of having positive behavior, such as, even though I don’t feel well, after I rest I can pick up the living room.  I eat food that is better for my body.  I have not been exercising intentionally because I have bronchial pneumonia, but I have been looking for smaller ways to be active.

So I challenge you to list 3 things you are thankful for every morning.  It might just change your life as it has done with mine.

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