As a former student, teacher, and school counselor, I have always felt that my year runs not from January to December, but instead August or September to June, with three bonus months. As the summer has come to end, and I have gotten the girls ready for their new school year, I almost feel like I should make some new (school) year resolutions. So here they go:
- My kitchen will be cleaned every day.
- My laundry will not be allowed to pile up.
- I will read, then file all the important notes that come home from school.
- Papers that must be filled out and returned to school will make it back to school the following school day.
- I will not do school drop off in my PJs.
- When I take my children to their lessons at the Y I will use that time to exercise, not hang out with the other mommies or read a magazine.
- I will attend all important school meetings.
- I will make it to my support group meetings for my Lap-Band, as they help keep me motivated and out of the ice cream.
- I will not be late for drop off or pick up at either school.
- I will volunteer at both schools, as when I give back to the schools, my children see how important I feel their education is.
- We will keep track of all library materials!!!!!
- I will let go of control over what my 2nd grader chooses to wear to school. If I didn’t like her clothing choices, I should not have bought them. As long as her choice is clean (see resolution #2)!
- I will make time each day to do something I WANT to do, even if it’s just reading one article out of a magazine. J
- I will thank God every day for my wonderful children, my husband’s wonderful career that allows me to be involved in their education, and for my friends and family who support us!
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