Medical Issues
So over my lifetime, I have had 9 surgeries, have been hospitalized 4 times for illness and 6 times for mental illness, and been to the ER more times than I can count. I have been in anaphylactic shock from an antibiotic, and I have a hard time being in the sun because I get sunpoisening very easily. However, I have found that using 85 sunblock allows me to take the kids to the park.
So imagine my surprise when, after an hour and half at the park yesterday, and NOT having symptoms of sunpoisening that I started to feel my lips, tongue, and throat swell. I looked in the mirror and my face looked like it did 53 pounds ago. I called Pete at work and told him we were going to the ER and got the girls to grab their shoes and a stuffed animal and get in the car. I drove safely but slightly panicked to the ER when they rushed me back and the dr met us in the room. 5 minutes later and I had an IV and was being pumped with Benadryl, a steroid, something for pain, and pepcid. Luckily Pete came in was able to help me feel better and make sure the girls were entertained (Thank goodness for Phineas and Ferb!).
As soon as the facial, throat and tongue swelling went down, I was able to go home. It turns out that the blood pressure medication that I have been on FOREVER can cause the allergic response that I had, so now I’m on a new expensive med for blood pressure. And to top it off, last night after I took my regular meds and took my second dose of Benadryl, I slept so soundly (and strangely) that I cannot move my neck.
But hey, I guess it could be worse. I was a little nervous that the steroid was going to give me steroid psychosis or send me manic, but when I felt overly jittery last night, I just took my Klonopin early and I felt fine. But this experience has made me even happier that I decided to get the Lap-band. Being smaller, I need less medication, and someday I may be off my blood pressure med altogether. My psychiatrist and I will be meeting next week and he as plans to lower my Seroqual and possibly my Effexxor. This is amazing to me because I have always needed a high dose because of my weight. Yet another benefit of the lap-band and another reason I thank God everyday.
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