Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"I am going for the fun, not the food"

So the other day, I realized that I had been invited to several occasions that involve food in the next few weeks – first was my daughter’s Ice Cream Social at her preschool. After about 45 minutes of feeling sorry for myself before I left, I had “a-ha” moment (you know, when the lightbulb suddenly turns on in your brain?). I was going to the social for the fun (little kids performing a song and a juggler), not the food. And that was it, I felt better, and viola, I had a new motto: I’m going for the fun, not the food!
Then yesterday, I had my first band adjustment (or fill as it’s sometimes called). After a band adjustment, you go back to square one with your diet – nothing but clear liquids the first day, then advance as you can, taking it slowly. So last night when I went to the board meeting for my daughter’s preschool (I’m a member of the board, and also a parent, so I provide a unique perspective – at least through May!), I brought sugar free Jello with me to share with my board friends, because there are always treats (it’s at a Lutheran church, which my husband likens to “worshipping God through Potluck!). When I mentioned my new motto to them, they loved it! Apparently I’m very wise for 33 years – lol.
But it doesn’t end there – This weekend will be spent with my best friends in my former state at a wedding shower and a casino, then next week I have a Pampered Chef party – three places where I could absolutely sabotage myself, But I’m not going to. I have my motto. I can bring or buy protein shakes and bars. I can order 1 egg, or a cup of soup, or some fish at a restaurant. Nobody is going to force me to finish my food.
And because of that, I feel empowered. I feel renewed. I have 1.5 pounds to go until I reach my first goal of 10% of my body weight. And when I reach that, I will get my mani-pedi, which is another milestone. It’s the first time that I will reward myself with something other than food. And that makes me proud!

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